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Just What is Continuing Education?

Just What is Continuing Education?
Although many people may think of preparing for the GED as continuing education, technically, it's not. Continuing education 
means progressing with your educational career after you've either received your high school diploma or you've received an 
alternative GED certificate.

So what does continuing education include? Well, technical schools, college classes, and online classes to progress in your 
career are examples of forms of continuing education. These classes and programs are intended to help you continue your 
education after graduation.

Technical schools were created specifically to help adults progress beyond high school. These schools have programs that 
help learners master the skills and technological expertise they need to secure good jobs. Also known as vocational 
education, technical schools can train you for jobs such as an auto mechanic, a bookkeeper, or a cosmetologist.

Community colleges are a main source of continuing education classes. In addition to helping people work toward a degree, 
community colleges also offer programs such as nursing, respiratory therapy, and law enforcement. The community college 
environment is perfect for people who want to advance in their current job or move on to a better job.

Many college campuses offer evening and Saturday classes just to make learning convenient for adult students. They also 
have classes you can take online so that you will be able to make time for learning. Continuing education offerings at 
these campuses range from complete programs to individual courses that can help you master new skills. Your local community 
college is a wonderful place to look when you're considering continuing education options.

Naturally four-year colleges also offer continuing education classes. You can earn a degree at these colleges or simply 
take additional classes to help you progress in your career. Many professionals find that returning to college to get 
either a Bachelor's or Master's degree can really boost their career.

In additional to classes for degrees, colleges offer specialized classes that can help you master certain skills. For 
instance, you can take classes that will help you learn specialized computer programs. You also can learn new skills and 
talents, such as how to create multimedia presentations. More employers these days are encouraging their employees to 
explore continuing education options. The more skills and talents you possess, the better chance you have of landing and 
keeping a good job.

If you think you're too busy to take continuing education classes, think again. These days your options are practically 
limitless. Not only can you find traditional classes, you can take online classes, use interactive DVD and online programs 
to take a class, and even take teleclasses by watching your television. These new delivery methods make it easy for 
practically everyone to find a class that is convenient.

To start your search for continuing education classes, first analyze your goals. Do you want to get a degree? Learn the 
latest technology? Advance in your career? Decide what you want to accomplish, and then research your options. The Internet 
contains a wealth of information about continuing education opportunities. With just a little effort, you're bound to find 

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